Thursday 29 December 2011

ICT For Education in Rural Malaysia

Sekolah Menegah Kebangsaan (SMK) Tenom in a remote part of Sabah state boasts a wireless connection and computer-aided programmes for its students. This connection is meant to help these students keep pace with others in larger, more privileged districts in the state and across Malaysia.

Abdul Aziz Mohamed Zain Headmaster of SMK Tenom says having ICT in place has promoted excellence in teaching and enhanced students’ learning. “Students are excited about using computers in their lessons. Interest in learning and computer skills has improved.” 
Under the 9th Malaysia Plan, the Education Ministry has allocated US$6.3 million for the replacement of ICT equipment and infrastructure.

Recently, the internet service speed has been upgraded by the ministry from 2MB to 4MBand this infrastructure is shared by primary and boarding school students. Currently, there are 80 personal computers located in the computer labs, a kiosk, offices and classrooms. On average, one personal computer is allocated to every 13 students. 
Other than using ICT in school subjects, students are exposed to applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Flash and downloadable online software.

AUTHOR : Alice kok 

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